1·Offering SNR estimation method based on the quantization noise power spectrum.
2·Multi-order modulators shape the quantization noise even harder to higher frequencies.
3·In this paper, a fast encoding algorithm that does not enhance quantization noise is introduced.
4·Dithering, which adds white noise to the input analog signals, may be used to reduce quantization noise.
5·The modulator quantizes the input signal and move the low frequency inband quantization noise to high frequency.
6·In this article we introduce a method to realize such filters and give analysis of its stability, quantization noise c...
7·Taking into account the quantization noise, an approximate formula of the relationship between SNR and other factors is obtained in time domain.
8·Wide dynamic range, high gain and fine resolution are required of integrators and Analog to Digital Converters in order to limit the effects of noise, including quantization noise.
为了要抑制噪声效应,它包括量子化噪声,积分仪和模拟-数字 转换器要求宽动态范围,高增益和良好的分辨率。
9·The strength of the embedded watermark is image-adaptive according to the wavelets quantization noise, and combined with the error-correct code, it improved the characteristic to anti-attack.
10·Averaging method of neighborhood and medium filtering method are used to effectively overcome thermionic noise as result of courses of image transferring, gathering and quantization and so on.